Laser Therapy contains information not only for those involved in the field of lasers as medical doctors, but embraces all practicing clinicians including dentists, veterinarians and so on, basic and clinical researchers, students, all paramedical professionals and photo-optic engineers associated with any aspect of light and medicine. Contributions to Laser Therapy will allow you to proliferate your own new ideas, insights and study results to an international audience, and learn from the contribution of others.



Laser Florence 2025 – 31st Edition | 6-8 November 2025

65 years old but laser is always young!

The 16th of May 2025 will be the 65th birthday of the laser.
After the first laser construction by Theodore Maiman, in Sant Barbara, USA, the world greatly trusted in this technology: up today, 26 scientists received the Nobel Prize for their researches regarding the utilization of laser in human science.

Photobiomodulation is very very old: Hyppocrates, who proposed the use of the sun rays for would healing may be considered as its father, and after him, at the end of 1700 year, this topic went on with Joseph Priestley, Antoine de Lavoisier and many others. [...]

Go to Laser Florence Congress in November 2025!


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